Old News


hey, happy happy…
my best news is to say that my health is greatly improved but i don’t think i’ll be leaping over fences anymore. oh well, all the fences are gonna have to come down anyways! Some of you have probably noticed that there are no shows on the horizon. I am indeed trying to think of new ways to be present with my writing and not be on the road. Wish me luck in this endeavour. The wall hangings with my lyrics on them is going great guns. I’m pretty busy with that since I make them all inch by inch. I’ll be putting up new photos soon but at the bottom of this letter is the link to view some that have already sold. If you have any ferron lyrics that you think you could imagine hanging on your wall, I’m the girl to get in touch with. My friend wilma told me that the fen sanctuary web page is definitely not our Fen. We are excited to announce that Girls In the Wild, a vision quest program for girls 10-16 will be using the Fen as their central building. It is still finely decorated, still availabe for day, week, weekend rental and my next event there is March 26th. TRET FURE will be singing there that night and I’m hoping those of us who can will show our Michigan spirit and maybe even bring a cake. I’m hoping to have enough hangings to decorate some walls at the Fen by then.

Of course the documentary Girl ON a Road came out the same year I had to take a rest. It has gone to many film festivals now and has won several awards. So hey, getting older and still feeling pretty good , that’s a sweet thing. I’m working on the next cd and should have it out for the beginning of summer. And I’m available for writing workshops so give me a call at ferronferron@gmail.com Hope we all have an fine, level headed year. love ferron


january  2009

The Suprise Of A Lifetime…
….was discovering that yes indeed i was having all the signs of a heart attack. But we made it to the emergency in time and i was put on nitro glycerin which expands the arteries and so no damage was done to the heart muscle and after a long night was taken to the operating room and they put a stent in my left descending artery coming at it curiously enough from my right groin. I got out yesterday afternoon and am on bed rest for a bit to make sure i don’t open the incision as I could ‘bleed out’ as the nurse so tactfuly put it. i have a bit of a limp from the operation which will go away once the incision heals. I have great difficulty being taken care of and am not allowed to pick up more than 5 pounds. This is life changing stuff. had a good run on the wild side but I guess all rides come to an end. I feel happy and peaceful and only sorry that I couldn’t have the operation and be at the shows I committed to. The doctor looked at me like I was nuts when i asked if I could fly the next day. This is a good story with a happy ending even though it includes taking heart pills daily. gag me with a spoon. Thank you for all your concern and love. Still here, love ferron